viernes, 13 de diciembre de 2019

story board and script

That's my story board

That's my script

Ana’s script

During the 6 o'clock in a cold and sunny day. The main character ia very elegante.~ My short film beggining when a group of people arrived at the  cementerio when and the peace flowers on a grave. At the same time it's playing in the background a holy week song called “salve regina". The scene begin when the music start playing in the 2:15 minute.
The film continous when the spirit of the person who has died is sitting on her grave. While her family is crying she raises her head to see the situation. The   continous in the period of time since 2:15 to 2:29 minute.
The plane is changed. When she raises her head and see her family with a subjetive shoot, she moves her head and shows itself with a camera movement from side to side. She is seeing her family while they cry.
The next scene is when the person who has died comforts his family. She gets up from where she’s sitting to touch his brother's face.
When her brother says “Let's get out of here". An expression of sadness form in her face to see un that form her family leaves and leaves her there malone because she doesn't understand what's happening. This new shoot stars at 2:41 to 2:48
Faced with this situation is happens running between her family. In the 2:48 minute to 3:00 minute a new shoot started. In that shoot she times to stop from leaving but they can't hear her.
In the period of time between 3:00 to 3:03 is when she, the person who has died toachs the face of his brother but she can't hear her and he goes by not being able to find out anything.
Since the 3:04 minute to 3:09 minute is when the family leave the place and the person who has died is left alone . the shoot shown when the family go to other place and she has a sadness position. The next shoot is the wheels of the family's car leaving.
There is a shoot from above showing the protagonist's pose as the shoot zooming un. In this scene we can see in which mood has been left the main character by being alone and her family has left. We can see also she is in a sadness posture.
This and the next scene should be done in golden tour to achieve a divine and paranormal effect.~Something beside her, at the botton of the street, makes her looks to right.
In a plane change we can see the scene from the other side. The protagonista begins to smile at seeing something that lakes her feel calm and happy
With a light at the end of the street.~Finally, the last scene is when she goes to “the light”, I mean, she goes that special and beutiful place where the soul of kindness people be.

My harmony photos